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Text to Speech Limitations:


Most of the machines up, until very recently have been robotic sounding with no voice inflection. It has been and is still very expensive to get a unique voice. Most of the past vocal machines have had one voice which was a middle aged American man or woman. This caused people to not have a unique voice and even after they thought they regained a voice, they never really got theirs back. 


Text to Speech Positives:


The more people who use the technology and resources like VocalID, the more other people will be aware about these issues and want to help. VocalID has done an amazing job using the donor system which is to say that they match people who have lost their voice with people who have similar body and vocal characteristics to create a unique voice for the recipient. VocalID has done an amazing job using the donor system which is to say that they match people who have lost their voice with people who have similar body and vocal characteristics to create a unique voice for the recipient.

Genetic Research Limitations: 


Technology limits the advancement of curing the genetic diseases. Also, research has to wait for advances to be made in technology to decrease cost and increase speed. Finally, rare diseases don’t make as much money as problems that affect more people (like Diabetes) so researchers are less motivated to solve these problems. Also, unfortunately, the recording of voice donors takes a  long time. 


Genetic Research Positives:


Because of generic drugs, companies and scientists are more motivated to get into the rare disease market in order to make a profit. Technology is advancing faster and faster which will help cure these diseases. Another thing is that recently researchers and scientists have donated more time into researching the genes that are responsible for these diseases. 

historical background

Genetic Research Progress timeline
Text to speech progress timeline
overview of genetic and text to speech progress
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